Cherry Blossom Jam Recipe

My favourite thing to make with them is cherry blossom jam! It saves for ages and can be used in so many things. With toast, cakes, pancakes and stirred into rice pudding and porridge! 

There is so much cherry blossom blooming at the moment! The skies are pink and it’s raining soft pink petals! They’re a favourite ingredient in Japan and I can see why, even collecting them is such a joy! 

Ingredients & Method for Cherry Blossom Jam

Just collect 2 cups of petals (you can throw in other pink petals too – rose or camellia would be great!) and pop into a pan with 1 1/2 cups water, 3 tbsp lemon juice and 2 cups jam sugar! I also add in 2 raspberries for a nice red colour!

 Boil away until it reaches 105c or until a drop on a cold plate sets into a good jam consistency! The result is a gorgeous sweet and slightly floral jam with petals suspended in it! It truly captures the beauty of the cherry blossoms! 

Click here to see our Cherry Foraging Guide

Extra Notes

When you’re collecting, remember to only take one little bunch of flowers from each big cluster and leave lots on the trees! They will all turn into fruit later in the year and the birds will be very thankful! 

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