Bramble Stem Pickle

This recipe was envisioned by a good friend of mine, Fergus Drennan, when thinking up new ways to interact with wild plants it’s difficult by very worthwhile to think through the potential of using different parts of the plants we commonly interact with. The stems of brambles can be used when they’re young, between May and June, when they’re new, vibrant green and still flexible. Even better – when they’re chopped finely they give you an amazing star shape. So here’s two quick recipes for using the stems of brambles.

Bramble Shoot pickle


4 fresh bramble shoots, with the spikes scraped off and finely chopped

White wine vinegar

4 wild garlic bulbs (or 2 close garlics)


Add the de-spiked and finely chopped bramble stems to your jar and pour over the pickle cold

Leave for 3 weeks and then enjoy

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