Wild Garlic Bread

Wild Garlic comes into it’s own in spring each year and we’re forever trying to find up new ways of enjoying this Spring delight, this wild garlic bread recipe is one of those ways. Created by Tan Farrel – A lovely chap and chef I’ve had the joy of getting to know over the years. Find him at @mr_farrell for more inspiration

Krzysztof Ziarnek, Kenraiz, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Click here to see our Wild Garlic Foraging Guide

To make 1 loaf

Ingredients to make our Wild Garlic Bread

  • 500g strong bread flour (white or brown you choose)
  • 7g dried yeast
  • 10g salt
  • 10g sugar
  • 320g warm water
  • 20g oil
  • Couple of handfuls of washed, finely chopped wild garlic


  • Turn the oven on to 220,
  • Mix all dry ingredients
  • Add the wet ingredients and mix into a dough
  • knead for 10 minutes on floured work surface
  • stretch the sough almost like a pizza, add some chopped wild garlic, fold the dough over on its self, repeat till all the garlic is used.
  • Knead again, and form the dough into a loaf shape.
  • Place on a floured tray and place in the oven
  • 15 minutes on 220 and then 15 minutes on 180, if the bread colours too much cover with tin foil.
  • The bread should make a hollow noise when you hit the bottom. If it needs longer, leave it in. 

Once ready place on a wire rack and leave to cool. Serve with butter.

Click here for more Wild Garlic Recipes